Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fuck Off

No, not you. Please don't go. This is a recent doodle from my sketch book.

I haven't the foggiest what this is all about. I just like it. I don't think it's a self-portrait since it has none of the usual trappings (bald head, cigarette, goat-tee). I think that I like this one because of the weird perspective. I've been toying with that a bit lately, trying to find a way to draw stuff with perspectives that make the viewer (read: me) a bit uncomfortable. Here the guy is looking down on the viewer, literally. Perhaps figuratively as well. Here's a guy looking down on [me] with a shirt that says "fuck off". I get to feeling like this sometimes, like everyone is looking down on me, telling me to fuck off. And his bubbles are relatively ordered, compared to what I normally do, especially in self-portraits.

I also like the unfinished look, especially around the feet. I tried putting this into Photoshop to add color to the background, but it just doesn't work too well with the way the lines don't really close. I tried a couple things to make it work, but it always looked so much better without the backgrounds I was attempting to manufacture.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I Have Returned.

Sorry for the long lapse 'twixt posts. I was preparing to go to Alaska, then I went to Alaska, then I got back and was kept occupied until last night, when I needed some time to rest. But now I have more time to myself again. I haven't drawn much lately, though. I had a very difficult time drawing while I was in Alaska. It was just so beautiful and incredible that anything I could even think of to draw made me realize just how limited my abilities are. But here's a couple of doodles from my all-too-short trip anyway.

So that first one says "My smile is too big for my face, it's so cool here!" The 2nd says "If I could make love to and marry something that isn't a woman, it would be Alaska." And the third says "It's so beautiful here. . . I have to cry. . . I can feel myself disappearing into Alaska!" I highly recommend Alaska to anyone who, for example, breathes. I took over 1100 pictures. I'll be tweaking some of those in the ol' Photoshop so expect to see some here soon. I got some motivation while there to get busy and do some bigger, better works, so hopefully there'll be more of those soon, too. Stay tuned!