This image is not strictly a study of contrast. I have always like the yin yang. It's a symbol that looks like what it represents: balance of white and black. It's not a fight or a conflict, it's a balance. There is need of both black and white. And within the black is a little white, and within the white there is a little black. So there is both good and evil in all things. The idea, to me, represents both hope and fear. Hope because there is good in everything. Fear because there is bad in everything. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" sayeth the Bible. Amen. See? Even God can't get around that one! So check it out.

I like Opart, too. I like the moire effect a lot and it's super easy to get that when you jam a lot of high contrast lines real close together. There is something about this image that really appeals to me on that balance level. I guess because it's easy to get lost in the lines and not notice you're looking a fairly popular and well known symbol. If Everything in The Universe was (were?) perfectly balanced, you would not notice the difference between Good and Evil because they would each contain as much of the other as of itself. So this image takes on that form. If you notice the last complete circle around both "centers" is the same color as its center. So to me the one with the white dot is actually white with black stripes, whereas the one with the black dot is black with white stripes. But a regular yin yang couldn't have the same color dot and blob, or you lose the point of there being black in white and white in black.
I made this image into my desktop.