For some reason, I've been wanting to draw hands. So I drew a hand. And it was boring. I liked it okay, but it needed more. So I added the lighter lines but it was still lacking. Then, for no apparent reason, I thought there needed to be faces on the fingers. But the faces alone didn't finish the drawing so I added the (poorly drawn) arms and hands on the faces on the fingers of the hand. Cosmic, huh? Then, as is my wont, I needed to add background and text. "The 5" something kept popping into my head. But the five what? Well, turtles of course. I have no idea why the 5 "turtles". But it fit and it didn't make me angry so I kept it. Right after that I drew this picture:

Yet another hand. I drew an automatic hand waver some time ago that I really liked. I'll have to find it and add it to the blog when I do. But I must have really liked it since I made an automatic high-fiver this time. I like the tag line "Who needs friends?" With an automatic high-fiver, you could get accolades whenever you wanted! You wouldn't need anyone around to make you feel like you accomplished something worth sharing. Kind of defeats the purpose of the high five, I suppose. I mean, the point is to share in your joy, right? Well, whatever. I'm drawing again!
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