Sunday, November 11, 2007

Contrast Study #1: Simple Lines

I like to work in black and white and gray. It has to do with the fact that I would like it if things were more black and white, but there is just so much gray that it's hard to understand what the hell is going on sometimes. This is a real simple design, based on the contrast of black of white.

I like the simplicity and I like the contrast. I have done a few things with this same concept. I suppose it's my way of trying to see both sides at the same time. What would this look like white-on-black and what would this look like black-on-white? And which one is "right"? Some will like white-on-black, some will like black-on-white. I need both, it's just easier that way. I don't have to decide anything.

Next installment will be a variation on this same theme.

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