Sunday, April 27, 2008

Untitled Pen Drawing

I love to work with Bic pens. My favorite are the clicky kind. I don't race them or anything, I just like to use them. The Bic is a very good pen for drawing for two big reasons: The ink flows every time, and you have a tremendous amount of control over the amount of ink flowing. So armed with a clicky Bic I drew this guy.

It was loosely inspired by something I saw on The Meth Minute 39, a very weird, but incredibly funny cartoon show on the interwebs. I wanted to draw a much more distorted face than I usually draw. It sort of worked. I was actually going for a view as though the viewer was looking up at the guy, so in that respect it failed. But the face is still weird looking. Initially I left off the goat-tee, but then wondered what it would look like with one so I added it. I think that was a mistake, but that's the danger of working with pen, rather than pencil. You may notice that there are more shapes surrounding the head. I still don't really know what they mean. A friend once told me about how he used to meditate: he would imagine himself swimming towards the bottom of a very deep (but clear) body of water. On his way he would see fish swim by and he realized that each fish represented some thought. He didn't know what the thoughts were, but he did recognize that as long as he was still seeing fish, his mind was not clear. Perhaps that's what happening here. They don't mean anything specific, just "there is crap in your brain."

I'm going to run this one through Photoshop and try to clean it up a bit and make it shiny. I like the image, it's pretty funny looking. But it is a sketch so there are a lot of rough lines. I don't want to completely take the rough lines out, that's part of what I like about this image, but I would like to make it look a little more completed.

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