This is an older image. Made from an older drawing treated with Photoshop.

I like balance. It makes me feel like everything is going to be okay on some cosmic scale. So this image addresses that balance. Equal parts white-bot and black-bot (one the inverse of the other) arranged in a circle. No doubt inspired by the yin-yang symbol, which I like so much. The idea is not about a struggle or a fight, it's about a balance. For each white there is a black. For each up, a down, etc. The red makes the image pop more and it gives it a bit more energy (it was pretty bland without it).
The bots were cut out of a scan of the first robot image I did. Or at least robots of this type and with this mind-set. I used to draw robots in middle school, but they were nothing like this. Pretty much just a blocky version of the heads I was drawing attached to tank treads with guns in their mouths on the sides of their necks. Ah, middle school. . . so innocent.
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